Worrier usually don't plan and planners usually don't worry. Planning is an investment. Worrying is a statement of unbelief. Worry has no problem solving potentials. so see each troubling thought as a call to prayer. Give God your concerns. Satan want you mentally worn out because his next attack can only work if your mind is tired. Worry tires the mind and make your mind weak. Trust God and his processes. Don't worry about God's art. He will keep his promise. Just do what you know what to do. Worry is a demonic attempt to use your mental faculties to magnify a small thing!

Worry panics you about what is going to happen next and steal the joy of what is happening now. Don't worry, God's has not forgotten His promises. The enemy's job is to make you forget the promise so you will stop expecting it to manifest. God is very much concerned about you and your situation. In most cases, He just wants to see if you trust Him enough Not to worry about it.

Don't worry bout the delays on your path of purpose. You have an appointment with destiny with no one can cancel! It will come to pass. Worry won't make God hurry. If you want God to move in an accelerated pace, Accelerate your pce.
STOP WORRYING STOP WORRYING Reviewed by wealthapps on November 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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