Become Conscious of Heavenly Reality.

Become Conscious of Heavenly Reality.

 In Christianity you put your salvation to work. You have a life that is superior to your biological life. Meditation brings those realities that is within your spirit to your consciousness.  We live everyday according to our consciousness. Refuse to let humanity dominate your divinity. If we are ignorant of the scripture, we will live in lie. Study the word of God, know it such that nothing can take it away from you 1 John 1:9.  There is no room for forgiveness in the word of God.  Forgive means to pardon.

Men can forgive each other, that is how far they can go. Psalm 103: 12.  In Christ Jesus, your sin is put away. The blood of Jesus did much more than forgiveness. God put away our sins. He does not have a record of our sins. Ephesians 4: 22.  1John 1: 7.  God is understanding of his word should become my understanding. God's thought of me should become my thought. Don't try to live wrong. God does not want us to struggle for anything. All things work together for good to them that love God, and to all that called according to his purpose.  Romans 8:28.-50. All of nature is responding and functioning for your Good. All of this circumstances are working out for my Good. I have being glorified already..  Don't ever let anyone stop you from speaking the tongues. Many Christian don't know what they have. Nothing is too good for you.

Colossians 1 : 9-20  John 1: 14. Jesus is the word of God became flesh. Epignosis means precise knowledge, Accurate and exact knowledge.  Spiritual understanding is given to you by revelation. God wants you to be fruitful in every good works. Don't stop where you have being. Increase in spiritual knowledge. God wants you to be strengthen from the inside.  They are Christian living an ordinary life. No Christian needs deliverance. Only ignorant Christians thinks they need deliverance. We have being delivered is from the dominion of darkness. There is no special gift for casting out demons, Every Christian can cast out demon.

So many Christian live outside Christianity. You don't need to pray about the Devil, Jesus already did everything, the devil has being defeated long time ago.  John 3: 34. Ephesians 3:16. The words of God is activated by yours words. Our words is within the spirit words. Our words are spirit words. When you speak, you speak in the spirit realm. Christianity is the life of Christ. We have being delivered from the devil. I live by the law of life. When you live by the law of life, no disease can live in your body. The works were finished from the foundation of the world.  Christ is my wisdom. I m in the kingdom of God son. The earth is full with the Goodness of God. Don't live an ordinary life. 2018 is a year of the supernatural.
Become Conscious of Heavenly Reality.  Become Conscious of Heavenly Reality. Reviewed by wealthapps on August 31, 2019 Rating: 5

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