How to be positioned to receive your mantle of Relevance.

How to be positioned to receive your mantle of Relevance. 

1. Prepare for our prayer point. 

John 2: 1-11. Prepare for your prayer point, Be ready for what God want to do in your life. Be motivated for success . Start practicing for the success that is coming on you.You may have to drop somethings, some bad attitude and Character. Start training yourself for greatness. Carefully prepare for your prayer point, so you will not loose the blessing when it comes. The goal is to keep the blessing and multiply it. Prepare for what you are believing God for.

2. Don't let let challenges stop you..

 Don't let failure stop you. Re package yourself from every form of failure. Challenges will definitely come to strengthen you. See every challenge as an opportunity to be relevant. The more problems you solve, you more relevant you become. Challenges are your opportunity. Don't fail with the failure! Failure is an event not your personality!  Failure does not define your personality, You're born Success.

3. Walk in the realm of Glory. 

Walk in the realm of glory, Always be connected to God. Never leave the presence of God in the quest to be relevance. Remember the glory is the the kingdom of God. We carry the glory of God.

4. Be a solution giver! Do not avoid problems.

 Be a solution giver, this is the fastest way to be positioned to receive your mantle of relevance. See every problem as an opportunity to be relevant. Those who avoid problem, never do anything remarkable, therefore things can be done without them. Always constantly look out for a problem and solve them, that is how you can constantly win your world .

5. Understand transition seasons

You are bigger than yourself, Seasons changes. There are different seasons and times. Opportunities varies in seasons, Each season comes with its own challenges. Be prepared for every seasons and understand the season you are currently in which will help in solving the problem in that seasons, which makes you relevant in that season.

6. Putting the picture in perspective

What capacity are you building.You should have a larger picture in view, live beyond today, build relationship that will be relevant to you in the future. Build relationships for the future. Never be stuck in today solution focus on tomorrow. Connect your today to your future.
How to be positioned to receive your mantle of Relevance. How to be positioned to receive your mantle of Relevance. Reviewed by wealthapps on December 05, 2017 Rating: 5

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